Tuesday, June 16, 2009




We still have t-shirts from last year's event. If you are interested, the cost is $6 each. Sizes available are large and extra large. Please email us at jrodmemorial@live.com
Thank you!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jerald & Grandparents


I just love this photo. This was taken @ Jerald's 8th grade graudation with his grandparents, Frank and Celsa "Sally".
All three of them are up in heaven having a wonderful time!!!! We miss them soooo much!!!!!


This blog is in memory of my brother, Jerald A.K.A. J.Rod or JR (nickname @ the lake). He lost his life on January 28, 2001 due to a car accident. That was the day our lives changed forever...life would never be the same and our hearts were broken.
It has been over 8 years now and our hearts still ache, his memory is with us everyday and we go on living our life...the way he would want us to live it.
On August 10, 2001 (Jerald's 32nd birthday) his friends and family started the Jerald Rodriguez Memorial Art Scholarship Event. We hold the event (benefit) every year around his birthday.
As of May 2009 we have given out 33 scholarships to Paulding, Wayne Trace and Antwerp students. We are so proud of this scholarship, the students and the family and friends who come out and support this. The Jerald Rodriguez family thanks each and every one of you from the bottom our hearts!!! Thank you for keeping his spirit alive!!!!!